What is with HydroOffice project?

Published on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 by Milos Gregor

If you visit this site regularly, you'll notice that in the last six months is nothing essential happened. This article describes the current activity on the project and also its development for the future.

The main reason for slowing of this project was PhD thesis finalizing. But this slowing is not so great and I worked (and still working) mainly on issues that are not currently visible. I work primarily on the following things:

User manuals

Currently, it is possible to install 8 plug-in tools. However, if you look in the Download section, three user manuals are still missing. All manuals are gradually completed and will be released soon. Currently are ready user manuals for RC 4.0 and FlowComp 2.1.

Video tutorials

Such as user manuals, video tutorials will be gradually added.

New web and whole server architecture for HydroOffice

The current HydroOffice page was created as temporary. At present, it is not good enough and its architecture does not allow its scalability. Therefore, I began work on completely new server architecture, which will be scalable, adaptable, and which will allow the further development of project. Along with the new server architecture will be released new – and finally “alpha” version of HydroOffice program, named as HydroOffice 2012.

New tools

In the new version of HydroOffice software will be possible to install all currently available tools under the same – freeware license. In addition, in the development phase are completely new tools:

Piper 2.0

According to the name, Piper 2.0 allows you to draw Piper geochemical diagram. This tool I use successfully in version 1.0 for longer time, but GUI is localized in Slovak language. I decided to rework it into a new form and translate to English, for the international use.

TS Editor 2.0

This tool will be possible to use for basic processing of meteorological and hydrological time series. The module will include number of tools for statistical analysis, data modification and transformation, visualization, gap filling and many other data analysis. In this tool will be possible to process results of calculations from other HydroOffice tools.